
I really suggest you to use AdminMongo because its a powerful tool that allow you to graphically see how your database looks and actually its really easy to start working with this tool.

You need to clone the git repository of AdminMongo that is here... AdminMongo but I will put the code below.

$ mkdir AdminMongo
$ cd AdminMongo
$ git clone
$ npm install
$ npm start

And actually thats all, after that you will the localhost:1234 where you can make a database connection, It will look like the image below.

You can use the same connection that is in the image just change you database name and after that click connect, so you will be able to see the image below.

In the last image you can see how our schema (in file xdk_virtualsensors.js) looks like, its what I was talking about when I mentioned that is how our database is going to create our document.

Thats all for admin Mongo! Enjoy it and lets code! :)

Last updated