
With this project you are going to be able to use this XDK to control your drone through the xdk movements as a input or even using its differents sensors.

Unmanned Aerial Vehicles, or drones, are aircrafts that can be navigated without a human pilot on board the aerial vehicle. Drones can be navigated via control from the ground, using a GPS tracking system.

Some of these drones are equipped with cameras that allow the user to record and take pictures using controlled navigation. Drones are often used for the purpose of recording, some at a more professional level, however, there are many who fly drones as a hobby.

Drones have grown in popularity in recent years, and new models have been released lately with newer and better features. Drone hobbyist range from skill levels, but there are drones that are tailored to beginners. Some drones are equipped with a memory card that allows the user to record their footage and upload it to their computer. Drones are navigated via their channel control and transmitter; the higher the channel control, the better the user can navigate the drone at a higher speed.

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